My Dream Car

My Dream Car
This is what I Really want for Christmas

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My How the Year Has Flown

Already this is July, a time to celebrate and rejoice in our freedoms, and reflect on the greatness that makes the United States of America so great. A country unlike so many others. A country that is an experiment in the making for 235 years now. Yet I am appalled by the destruction of the very foundations of our Republic by those who believe in a different ideology. I am appalled at those who are looking to "fundamentally" change all the things that brought this country to greatness.

This past week I looked on at the circus of spectators waiting to hear the verdict of a woman, Casey Marie Anthony, accused of committing a heinous crime, and then when the verdict came back that circus almost became a mob. Why? Because these people disagreed with the verdict of not guilty by a jury of this woman's peers, is why! The media had almost 24x7 coverage of the trial, the media sensationalized the trial as if it were a sporting game, and the media had this woman convicted even before she came to trial.

Then the media in their coverage had expert after expert who all testified to the power of the prosecution's case, and the weakness of the defense's strategy in defending this woman. When the verdict came back NOT GUILTY (different from innocent) everyone was shocked, dismayed, angered, to the point of despair. Except those of us who used logic and common sense. First we did not get caught up in this media hype. Second, we did not personalize, and internalize the death of little Caylee Marie Anthony. Third most of us had other more important issues to attend to than to sit 24-7 and obsess over whether Casey Anthony, killed Caylee. It was not until the last week of the trial, that I even really became aware of this case. I followed it only peripherally because of someone in my households obsession with the case. As I listened to both prosecution's, and defense's summation of testimony during the closing I was struck by several questions that if answered could have changed the outcome of the trial. First question: Was Caylee Marie in the custody of her mother Casey Anthony's care at the time of her death? If not whose custody? Second: Did Casey Anthony actually cause Caylee's death intentionally, or by accident, or negligence? Third: Why did, if George and Cindy Anthony smelled human decomposition in the car, why did they not immediately call police and turn over the vehicle for forensic investigation? Fourth: Why did investigators not do a better job of determining cause and manner of death, before turning the case over for prosecution?

The burden of proof in a murder trial is a high standard, that of "beyond reasonable doubt" when presented to a "reasonable individual."  The defense's job is not to prove innocence, but to defend the accused to the best of their ability, and to the extent that the law allows. That means to put "reasonable doubt" into the minds of the jury of "reasonable individuals." The verdict in the Anthony case was not a verdict of innocent, but NOT GUILTY, based on the evidence presented by the prosecution. The defense presented scenarios that lead to reasonable doubt.

My personal feelings, just based on common sense, is Casey Anthony MAY have had something to do with the death. I'm not angry she was found not guilty, but disappointed that Caylee's death happened in the first place. Why did the little girl die? Where the reasonable doubt in my mind comes in to play is was it intentional, or accidental?

Though our legal system may have flaws, and may not be perfect, it is still one of the most fair, and impartial systems in the world. It strives to first protect the innocent, not to punish the guilty. It is there to determine matters of law, not morality, which brings me back to our country. It is a right and a protection afforded to every single one of us under the laws of this great country. If I were to ever be faced with a similar circumstance, and I hope the same for you, that the law would be applied fairly and equitably. What I hope is that there is no MOB mentality wanting to lynch the judge, jury, prosecutors, defense, or accused.

Finally I want to tie this all into Marketing since this blog is primarily about marketing. From a marketing stand point, the lesson here is to not over-hype and under deliver. The media in it's fervor to cover both the investigation and trial, sensationalized so many aspects of the whole sad affair. In doing so the media led many to conclusions that just were not true. Case in point; the chloroform searches. In evidence the facts came out that only 1 single search for chloroform was made, not 84 as speculated in the media. I blame this sensationalism of media on the case being brought to trial prematurely. Same thing should apply to your products and services. Never over promise and under-deliver, always, always, always, UNDER PROMISE, and OVER DELIVER to exceed expectations.

Thanks for your attention, and please if you are ever called to be on a jury don't shirk your responsiblity, serve. One day you may be accused, and need a fair and impartial jury.