My Dream Car

My Dream Car
This is what I Really want for Christmas

Monday, December 27, 2010

Marketing Alternative Health Products

Alternative health care products abound everywhere now days. I have seen everything from pills and potions that claim health benefits, to magnetic water treatment and filtration systems. In my opinion the majority of these products do nothing more than drain your bank account. Many are scientifically proven ineffective hyperbole. A few I have looked for scientific evidence include the bracelets that mysteriously provide balance and renewed energy by changing your body's energy field. OK, first let's discuss body's energy field. Yes your body has an energy field of some sort, scientifically you can view the heat signature of your body's energy via a thermal imager. I have not seen a legitimate image of the "change" that these devices should make if they are actually working. You could also measure electrically the energy field of the body, but this would require extremely sensitive measuring devices, which none of the "manufactures" have used to prove the effectiveness of their products using scientific methods. Scientific method after all is a way proving or disproving a hypothesis. Scientific method allows for duplication of testing which would remove doubt that something either does what it says it can do, or proves that it does not. None of the manufacturers have provided this evidence to my knowledge, and when challenged by skeptics like me, only the "distributors" of such devices respond. Their response is basically nothing more than the sales pitch promotional stuff. So enough, if there is hard scientific evidence supply it to prove your products do what they say they do. Period.

Another scam in my opinion is the magnetic water filtration and treatment systems. Once again, prove they work.  If you search the Internet for information on them you will be inundated by distributor sales hype, with little evidence that it works. When you do run across scientific evidence you will also find comments by the "distributors" of these products, not proving the products work, but you find attacks on the individuals who put the scientific evidence up. Let's talk about magnetism on water. Have you ever passed a magnet over water? No, well I have and guess what, nothing happens. Using even the strongest permanent magnet I could get my hands on nothing happens. Even microscopically looking for something to happen to the trace amounts of chemicals and minerals in the water to somehow change or be attracted to the magnet, NOTHING HAPPENED. Only if the water has magnetically attractive particles such as metals does it do anything. If that is the case a simple low cost water filtration system takes the metal out, such as rust. Some of these magnetic systems cost $thousands and only make the distributors wealthy at the expense of the ignorant. Please don't get suckered into buying something that just eats more energy. One of the systems in particular supposedly replaces the water softener system that uses salt water softeners. The only way to remove minerals in water that cause the hardness,  is to send it through a system which chemically removes those water hardening minerals. In fact the minerals in hard water may even be more beneficial to your health if left in, than if taken out. Our bodies need the calcium, and magnesium which are part of the minerals that cause hard water.

Also one of the biggest scams in my opinion is the magnetic therapy products which claim to provide healing, and relief for a multitude of ailments. It has been scientifically tested for years now, and has been proven to be non-effective. What the studies have found is the placebo effect was just as effective as the magnetic therapy. So they have deduced that the relief comes not from the magnetic therapy, but from the placebo effect on believing that you are somehow being helped through magnetism. The human mind is an amazing organ, which if we believe strongly enough in something, can produce or eliminate pain, or control pain at varying degrees. Which is what the sellers of these magnetic therapy products understand, and their distributors are taught miracle testimonies that only serve to support strongly the results of healing that the individual is seeking.

I'm not saying don't look for alternative treatments, or health care products which are outside the normal health care treatments by professionals in the health care field. I am saying do your research before putting down your hard earn money on things which may be modern day snake oil, by modern day snake oil salesmen. Their is enough fraud out on the Internet, and being presented as opportunities to get into the wellness revolution. Don't become a victim, use your common sense, and do a little research before buying something that sounds too good to be true.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are you an Internet Marketer??

There are lots of Internet Marketers out here, but are they truly marketers, or just wanna be's? You can get Internet Marketing secrets from thousands of so called Guru's if you just allow your email in-box to fill up with all sorts of Spam, or opt-out messages. Each Guru has his/her own secret they are willing to give you for a price, and you can wind up spending yourself into failure. Let me give you a synopsis of what they are all saying.

Do you really want to be an Internet Marketer? If so then just simply market your service, product, or whatever using proven, tried and true methods.

  1. Get the message out. Period, end of sentence. The more exposure you give your message the more people will see it, and the more business potential you have. 
  2. Make it compelling. Give your potential client a reason to purchase your goods. Buyers, buy what you have not because of you, they buy because of an emotional, internalized factor. So find a way in your message to trigger the WII-FM, "What's In It - For Me" emotions of your target audience.
  3. Be consistent in your efforts. Do what you need to do to move forward, and get the word out every single day to as many people/clients as possible.
  4. Be persistent. Resolve yourself to the fact you will not stop until you have achieved your goal. 
  5. I have a mantra, "Today I will be persistent in my path, and I will be consistent in finding those who want to learn how to duplicate my success." I suggest you find something to remind you daily of what you need to do to be successful in your business. In my business it is finding those who want learn how to build a business, and build a team structure through duplication of what others have done. 
  6. Find a mentor. Find someone who will, number one coach you, number two push you to new heights, and number three tell you when you are being dumb and not giving it your all. But, you have to be coachable, and willing to be mentored. 
  7. With your mentor, set a goal you can believe in. If you have a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) in the beginning, you may fail to achieve it, and set yourself up for repetitive failure. So start with small goals, things that are achievable, but stretch your abilities to go beyond what you think you can do. For example, if you believe you can contact 10 people a day to tell them about your products, why not go just beyond to 15. 10 may be easy, but 15 will make you have to stretch a little to reach that goal. Your mentor will be there to encourage, and push you to your success.
  8. You must schedule your day. There are ton's and ton's of books, tapes, CD's and time management Guru's out there also. But let me tell you a little secret...pssssst!!! There is no such thing as time management!! Everyone has 24 hours in their day, you can't change the laws of nature. But you can control what you do with the hours you use for your business. So sit down every morning, or every night and plan what you intend to do either that day or the next. Make a master schedule of events, meetings, or presentations you will attend. The objective is to know in advance how you will move your business forward each and every day. Every single task or meeting should be a money making event, or move you forward to making the money. But, having said that you need to add in time for your family, time for meals (a lot of folks forget this), time for personal growth and development, reading about new ideas, and recreation. You need to have time to have fun.
  9. The last tip is keep things simple. When you try to do everything it just won't work. Find what works best for you, and focus on just those things. Too many people try to do everything, webpages, blogging, social media, SEO, PPC, GoogleAdds, etc..... there is simply  not enough time to do it all. If you can afford it then outsource what you can't do, or don't know how to do. Focus on the shortest path forward.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marketing Nutritional Products

It has been awhile since I posted on the blog, I just have so many different projects going, but I want to talk about marketing nutritional products.

There are tons of nutritional products in the market place that are all demanding buy me, buy me!!! So how do you know which ones are safe, which ones are effective, which ones have known health related concerns, and just who can I trust to be honest about what is in the products.

First let me tell you I am a network marketer, and in being authentic I do have a product line that I sell, and sponsor. Second, I got into it because of my search for better nutrition and health, and a lifetime of battling my waist line, and my waist line was winning no matter what "diet" I tried.

In my search I studied every nutritional product out there. If you have seen it on television, heard it on radio, read about it in a book, word of mouth from friends, I have been there done that in pretty much all of them. They all work to some extent. But at what cost to your health, and to your body?

You want to lose weight, but more importantly, you do not want to lose muscle mass. By retaining muscle you turn up the body's furnace called metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so you want to keep you muscle and get rid of the fat. Another thing to consider is "cleansing." Cleansing is something I now believe necessary to help clear out the toxins in the body, which are partially stored in the fat cells. Not colon cleansing. You can have that done next time you need a colonoscopy, thank you.

The human body is a marvelous machine, and if it is fed the right nutrition, in the proper amounts of nutrient dense foods, it will amazingly heal itself, and improve your overall health conditions. Our body is made up of different systems, about twelve of them. They are the skeletal system, the circulatory, nervous system, endocrine system, Immune system, reproductive system, digestive system, excretory system, respiratory system, lymph system, and integumentary system. There are overlapping organs that may work across and with the various systems. Heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder, and so forth. Your body has natural toxic elimination, which only works when it is freed from the clogs we have created over time. One system that really has been slowed and made less functional is the lymph system. It has pushed so much of it's work off onto the liver, and kidneys because of the garbage we put into our bodies, and we are seeing increase kidney, liver, and pancreatic diseases as a result.

My point is this. If you don't have all these different systems working together, harmoniously as one, then your body will become sick, toxic, and eventually it becomes diseased. It takes all systems doing their functions to clean out and rid the body of destructive germs, parasitic cells, and toxins accumulated through our environment which we cannot control completely.

If you use a great nutritional product you will improve your health. Too many testimonials to deny the facts. So what is a great nutritional product?? It is one that is first and foremost all natural, not synthetically, or chemically engineered. It should contain a nutritional ration of about 40% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 30% fats (the good ones, not trans-fats or hydrogenated fat products).

Getting nutritional information, and understanding if it is good or bad takes effort on your part. Do NOT be sold on a product because of fancy advertising or that it is sitting on the shelf in a "Nutritional" store. Some of the worst for you are in grocery stores, and nutritional health food stores in your local malls. Become a label reader, if you don't know what something is, look it up, research it. Look for warning labels, or scientific studies that are not connected with the manufacturer or company selling the products. Also do not by a product just because it is LOW COST!!!! Low cost usually indicates it was made the cheapest way possible, which is synthetically via chemical processing, and you want to avoid any additional chemicals in your body which can impact your bodies natural systems working to their fullest. Always look for organic, natural sources for the ingredients.

Also be aware that taking some supplements could interfere with any medications you are on, so always talk to a doctor or pharmacist about any interactions with medications.

Beware of anyone calling themselves a nutritionist. Yes there is a certification for nutritionalist, and apparently there is no one who really oversees the use of that term. Even total neophytes like myself could add that tag to their business card, and not be questioned. Always ask for credentials, and proof they are what they say they are.

Also there are many network marketing companies who sell nutritional products. Some good, some not so good. All I ask is that if you are considering joining one, don't join one that requires you to stockpile and resell their products retail, or  sell directly to your down-line. Make sure the products go to the consumer fresh, and not out of expiration date. Over time depending on storage, and shipping environments they can lose their efficacy and you are just waisting your money (pun intended).

One more thing before I quit my ramble. There is a difference between a "diet" and "nutritional system" that leads to weight loss. Diet has a negative connotation. Everyone hates to diet, because that means they are admitting to being overweight, and they have to reduce their food consumption to lose weight. Whereas a nutritional system provides all the right proportions of nutrient dense food that satisfies hunger. The way nutrition should work The formula to weight loss is simple, reduce the number of calories consumed, and increase the burn rate of caloric output. That can only work nutritionally when properly balanced through any product you choose. The other side effect is that on a nutritional system like the one I am on, if you ever go off your body doesn't try to bounce back to that heavy weight and you maintain it easier.

I have been on my nutritional system now for 5 months, I've lost 32 pounds, and feel great. I don't starve, I still eat everything I did before. The difference is I have a great product delivering what it says it will do, naturally, and without chemicals or toxic processing involved.
Do your research, you'll find it, and come to the same conclusions I did. 
My friend after 3 months, and 68 pounds.

 You choose, you decide. 

For More Info on what I am using, fill in the info below, if not interested that's OK,  and I hope you luck on your journey. 


Monday, October 4, 2010

Are you a fearless marketer?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  Marianne Williamson

Marketing is nothing more than getting a message out, and getting it into the hands (or minds) of people who need or want your products. Many of the folks who have goods to sell do not understand marketing. They think it is some mystical magical thing that only "specialist" can do, and that it is expensive. Well if that is what they choose to believe then they are right. But you and I know that it isn't difficult. Just spend 5 to 10 minutes a day writing something down, and putting it out on the internet, in emails, and viola you have marketing. What's so difficult about that? That is how you become fearless in marketing. Just putting words out and seeing what response you get. Then tweaking them to increase the response you want.  You will never achieve it if you don't try. 

Find out how to improve your marketing through TrafficWave.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Careful Marketing Thoughts on Nutritional Products

As a marketer, and internet marketer specifically, I can't help but wonder why in the world some people actually try to sell the products they do? With all the weight loss products available on the market today, people are still marketing products that are questionable in the safety of the consumers.

I've run across so many products that claim weight loss as their primary benefit, only to read further to discover that these products contain substances which are considered to be unhealthy. Take for instance Hoodia. Here is just a partial list of side effects that a site provides all the while supporting the use of Hoodia.

  • "Some people experience an upset stomach after taking hoodia.
  • Hoodia may also cause headaches.
  • In a few cases, hoodia is known to affect the functioning of liver negatively, due to an ingredient p5 present in it.
  • According to some researches, hoodia affects the part of the brain which controls appetite, which can prove to be a severe hoodia danger. Thus, consumption of hoodia, in any form, acts as a appetite suppressant.
  • Hoodia suppresses thirst, which can have a negative effect.
  • It is also said to interfere with medicines.
  • Hoodia, also, increases the heart rate.
  • At times, hoodia suppresses the hunger signals because of which the body might not respond to hunger. This is especially dangerous for diabetic patients, as their sugar levels may get affected. It also suppresses the signs of thirst. Hence, the amount of fluids required by the body might not be consumed, thus affecting the body.
  • Hoodia is also said to reduce the metabolic rate, as the body does not get the required calories. Low metabolism results in slow calorie burn.
  • As it suppresses one's hunger, a person will be deprived of the vitamins that he gets from eating.
  • Some people might experience drowsiness.
  • Hoodia can also cause kidney problems."*see footnote.
Why on earth would one want to take a risk with a product that carries a chance of doing more harm than good? Sure the FDA doesn't prevent it from being sold as a diet "supplement" because it isn't a drug or a food. All the while people take it, and have the risk of kidney problems, caused by the suppression of thirst, or sugar levels bouncing all over the place. That's no way to intelligently reduce weight.

Most beneficial will be programs that use a balance of nutrition with cleansing, and exercise. And NO I am not talking about a colon cleansing. If any of you are familiar with Dr. John Gray, author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" he has an excellent video that absolutely details why nutrition and the right product will change your health, and your life in ways that are easily understandable. He has a book entitled "The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution-Book" in it he goes through the whole him/her nutritional thing, and why it is different for both sexes. 

So please before you spend your hard earned money on "weight loss" products, research them throughly to find those hidden ingredients that can possibly do harm to your body. It is the only one you have and we definitely need to take care of it. 

*excerpted from

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Focus on Health, Wealth, and Freedom

What more than anything else would make you successful in anything that you do in life. How about focus. Focus on the things that will move you forward toward your objectives and goals. You want better health, then you must focus on doing the things that will make you healthy? You want a better life? You want wealth? Not just money but true wealth, then focus on doing the things that will generate that wealth. You want freedom? Then focus on those other two things and then you will have freedom to do the things you want to do, not what others tell you to do. No bosses directing your time and energy, no company demanding that you put in extra hours to meet some deadline, or project completion date.

What I am talking about is this! Quit working for someone else find yourself a home business to get into, do your due diligence, and learn what it takes to focus on those elements in your life that will give you what you want. I have friends who complain about not feeling well, complain about they don't have the money to do want they want. Yet when it comes right down to it they won't take the next step, and that is to invest in their futures. Yep, it takes money to make money. It also takes dedication, focus, and a burning desire to go beyond the status quo. In todays economy there is a prime opportunity for those who really want to change their lives for the better. So many people are out looking for a job, when all they have to do is put themselves to work. Take their energy, creativity, and skills and focus it on a business that will give them the health, wealth, and freedom down the road.

If you don't have a business to get into, or the prospect of a job, let me suggest something to you. Check out Isagenix if you think this is something your interest in, great, if not then that's ok too. But what ever you do, take action, don't waste another day feeling sorry for yourself. Get up off that couch, and help yourself, cause no one else is going to do it for you. Contact me if you are truly interested.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Internet, Wellness, and Opportunity - The Perfect Storm

There is no other time like today to get in on the growth of the wellness and health industries to position yourself for a lifetime reward of income, and your own wellness. The estimated dollars spent on health and wellness is in the neighborhood of a trillion dollars in revenues. Most of which will be spent on nutritional supplements, and wellness products bought through the internet.

People are looking for ways to improve their health, and extend their lifespans. Most of these are baby-boomers who are coming of age, and want their retirement years to be full of life, health, and wealth. With the way the economy is today many of the baby-boomers retirement plans have taken a huge hit, and many are either delaying retirement, or facing a retirement on less than what they thought they would have.

You do not have to delay or accept either of those possibilities if you understand, and get involved in what economist/author Paul Zane Pilser calls "The Perfect Storm of Opportunity." It is the coming together at the right time, and in the right place the wellness revolution, and the internet marketing revolution. By combining the use of the internet to market quality health and wellness supplements you can replace your retirement losses with residual income beyond your wildest dreams.

Internet savvy marketers who jump in, committing to learning and understanding simple internet marketing principles are earning fabulous incomes and living lifestyles of the "rich and famous." Many of these internet marketers are making incomes in the $5,000 to $100,000 per week range. Yes I did say per week! that is no typo. By combining the internet marketing with a good company that provides residual income through team building you can easily in as little as two to five years build a residual income worth millions, and never have to worry about money or retirement again.

Personally I am one of those in the baby-boomer generation. I see the bigger picture and understands that the current economic situation in the United States is not going to get much better any time soon. I am learning everything I can about internet marketing, MLM, and building wealth through wellness. If you would like to know more about the internet marketing go to The Coffehouse Letter which is about eduction on internet marketing. You looking for a great MLM upon which to build residual income then go to Isagenix to check out what it has to offer.

Don't wait, or hesitate. Do it today and get started right away while there is still time to build your business.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Isagenix Opportunity

Have you ever had an opportunity dropped in your lap that really could make a difference in the way you live your life, or help you improve your health at the same time? Let me tell you about just such an opportunity! It is called Isagenix. As an Internet Marketer opportunities are sent my way everyday with promises of great income, residual income, super get rich quick schemes, and scams. A lot of them are scams, and it does not take a lot of research to uncover those that fit into the scam category. Others fit more into promising prospective opportunities, while only the ones that deliver on the promises fall into the outstanding opportunity category.

An opportunity that fits the "Outstanding" category comes along very infrequently. Isagenix is one of those "Outstanding" opportunities that fell into my lap. Rarely have I seen a "nutritional" product that really does deliver what it says it can deliver. I've been overweight for most of my adult life, and have been through just about every diet program you can possibly name. I've tried just about every "nutritional" product that claims it can help with improving my weight loss efforts. Then along came Isagenix into my life.

I have a friend whom I had lost track of for a number of years, and when we reconnected I saw he gotten rid of about 106 lbs. Needless to say I was flabbergasted. I thought at first maybe he had been sick, and that caused the weight loss. Then I found out that yes he had been sick, and that sickness actually had caused him to put on the pounds. It had gotten to the point he was extremely down, and his mood was always dark, and foreboding. Then he found a doctor that found his health problem was caused by a head injury that damaged his pituitary gland, which I understand produces hormones in the body. He started taking hormone replacement therapy, which got him back on his feet, but he still had the weight issue. Then a friend of his introduced him to Isagenix. His mood began to change, he gained energy, and he began to shed the excess pounds that he had accumulated, plus the extra he had carried even before his health crisis.

After finding out all the details of what went on I began to research the Isagenix company and products. Isagenix is a direct marketing company with associates who sell the products, and elicit others to become associates and product users. It is a traditional MLM business, with a huge difference. It actually is something worth getting into. My friend did not recruit me into Isagenix. After doing my due diligence on the company and products I went to him begging to become an associate for several reasons. First and foremost is the health benefits the products actually deliver. Second is the leadership of the company. Proven experts who have been successful in their own rights. Third the compensation plan. One of the best in the industry. Fourth, was where the company is in it's lifecycle. It is five years old, and is still in the growth stage of its business cycle. Even last year in the midst of the economic problems we are encountering, it had record breaking revenues and is opening a new territory. The official launch date for Mexico is August 2, 2010. If you are a marketer, you will recognize the potential of what I just told you. If you are not, let me tell you that this is an exciting chance to get into your own personal business, and reap the rewards of a company on the way up.

Yes, I am an Isagenix Associate. I jumped on the bandwagon when I looked at it closely. I have now been on their products for a month, and I have released 23 pound, and have reduced my body size by 28 inches overall. I have more energy, more mental clarity, more restful sleep and less body discomforts than I have had in about 40 years now. Plus now I'm getting paid to tell you all about Isagenix, and it is paying for itself through all the folks that I am helping to achieve their nutritional goals. If you want to know more about being part of the company just click here.

Want to see the changes to me and my friend, then go to my Facebook fan page for the proof.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Internet Marketing for Isagenix an MLM Company

It has been awhile since my last blog post on Internet Marketing, so I though I would take a few moments to let you all in on a little secret. Internet Marketing also works for MLM opportunities also. I have tried MLM's before, with no success to speak of for my efforts. Why? Simply because friends, family, and anyone within three foot of you do not necessarily want or need the products you are trying to push on to them. But, alas what if you could reach many more people by using a simple technique of social media marketing to get the word out, and at the same time demonstrate the product you are offering actually does what it says it will? Let me give you a real world example of how it has worked for me. I would like to introduce you to "My Isagenix Story" which is a "Like" page on Facebook. It documents my journey on the Isagenix products. Which I have to tell you are fabulous in the way they work, and make you feel. This MLM opportunity is one that you don't have to convince folks to get into. Just the health benefits of the nutritional products set it above all the rest. I've had a weight problem most of my life, and as I have aged it has been harder, and harder to keep the weight off. I've tried everything under the sun, and have had some success to varying degrees. I even own a "Gold Key" from one of the more famous programs, but the problem is that it is so difficult to remain on the program, or the counting of carbs, calories, or points. There is none of those problems with Isagenix. It's like taking vitamins, or getting a "Frosty" from Wendy's. The side benefit for me has been an increase in my energy level, and a release in the first 9 days on Isagenix of 17 lbs of body fat, along with a reduction of 14 inches. Amazing when you consider that I didn't have to workout intensely, or make major changes to my diet. So check out "My Isagenix Story" and you'll see why I choose it as a real MLM opportunity.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What it takes to be successful as an Internet Marketer

Have you ever asked yourself why have I not made the big bucks in direct sales, internet marketing, MLM, or anything else along those lines? I have! It's called introspection. Looking within one's own inner most attitudes, desires, emotions, to seek out the why you do what you do. I've struggled in the past to achieve the results I wanted. But, since understanding who I am, and why I do what I do, and having a clear understanding of what I need out of me to achieve, things are really changing. My results in growth of personal commitment, and strategic vision is crystal clear. My other life long goal to stay healthy has found renewed vigor through nutritional changes, and doing healty things for me that I have ignored for years. You cannot cause yourself to change unless you have a great reason "Why" you need to change, and finding a solution that will help you to achieve that "Why." I've gone on a nutritional supplement program called IsaGenix because my "Why" is twofold. It first of all provides the nutrition that I ignored the need for in my body over the years, and secondly will fulfill one of my other objectives for multiple streams of income. It may not be right for everyone, but it is right for me. I'm actually documenting my progress and journey in changing my health through my Facebook page called My IsaGenix Story. If you're interested in following along just to see what happens, by all means join me and see the change. Go to My IsaGenix Story through this link. What I encourage you to do most though, is do something for yourself today. Learn something new, something exciting, and take a step forward to make your life better. I believe in the proverb "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Internet Marketing Multiple Streams of Income

A question that I really like to ask is "If you are laid off from your current job would you be able to continue to live the same lifestyle?" Most people would probably say something like, "for awhile, I've got a little bit of money saved that will see me through." Then I ask. Well how long will that money hold you? They will then tell me, "maybe 4 or 5 months tops." Friends what will you do in that 6th month on? Unemployment will not pay enough in most states, and then it also has time limits on eligibility that will expire. It also is dependent on the Congress to extend benefits if it is prolonged recessionary period. Or during an Election Year which ever comes first.
My point here is simple. Why do you depend on a job to secure your future, and to make sure your family is provided for? With the simple concept of multiple streams of income you don't have to worry about being laid off or having your lifestyle change. All you need to do is learn how to find the right opportunities, and learn a skill that is not taught in our schools. How to make money through marketing your own business. And not just one, but more than one business, hence MULTIPLE incomes. Our schools ill prepare students for the real world. They give them everything except how to make a living. They teach them to get a job, but we all know JOB's aren't secure, and LAYOFF's happen even to the best of people. If you learn anything in life, learn to internet market. If you do you will learn to sell anything to anyone, in any economic condition, and you will have the security that you so richly deserve. There are many choices of business opportunities on the internet, but do your due diligence and check them out before you lay down your bucks to join. But I would definitely look into internet marketing training first, and from someone who know what they are talking about, and can demonstrate their expertise. Someone who will support you well, and provide the tools to succeed. There are good companies, and then there are the others. If you would like to know more about internet marketing, then go to Multiple Streams of income and take the next step to financial freedom.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Internet Marketing Secrets

So you want to become "one of them"? An Internet Marketer. Just mentioning the fact that you are an internet marketer will send people running for the hills in fear that you are going to try to sell them something. So how do you overcome that obstacle and become a successful internet marketer? It's all about the company, and what they teach. Let me give you the 10 best Internet marketing secrets.
1. Have to have a Marketing Plan. If you don't have a plan how will you measure your successes?
2. Develop Trust and Relationships. People don't buy unless you have a relationship built on the foundation of trust.
3. Value and Service. You have to have something that is valuable to offer to your target market. And once they see the value, you better be able to deliver world class service as value added to offer.
4. Brand. Brand yourself. Because in the end it is YouInc. that they are buying.
5. Automation and Technology. You must have tools to automate some of the more mundane, time consuming tasks, and the technology has to work first time every time.
6. Remove the Sales Trap. Most people are not salesmen. Closing the sale does not come easy for most of us. Solution, have a support staff of professionals that can do it for you. Part of your funnel.
7. Passive Income potential. Help others get what they want, and you will get what you want. Multiplied time after time it will keep returning your income.
8. Training and Education. The internet is constantly changing, marketing techniques change constantly. What worked today may not work tomorrow, so you constantly must be trained and educated as conditions change. Change is good.
9. Teamwork and Community. If you are in a company where the top leaders do not share their "secrets" and use teamwork to help you succeed, you are in the wrong company. It should be a strong group based on strength of the "Community." Lifting each other up, and sharing the success.
10. Real Results. This is the keystone. The anchor to the secret. No hype, no fabrication of claims, just honest to goodness real results. It must be open, honest and transparent at all levels of the community.

Find a company that supports all ten of these internet marketing secrets, and you can't help but be successful.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Network Marketing Education

Network marketing education is one of the least understood things network marketers need to become successful. As I browse the internet looking at the various network marketers, I see claims of fabulous wealth, claims that they have the answers, claims, claims, claims!! Folks let me tell you, I have tried so many of those claims, following their "advice" and only came away with an empty wallet. I've seen the trends in marketing come and go, and when I see something new I am VERY skeptical. I came from the Information Technology industry in 2001, and have been self employed ever since. If you mention something I can probably say, "been there, done that" in an attempt to re-engineer my life to achieve a lifestyle meeting my very strict standards. I struggled, I had missteps, I had failures, that is until I discovered what had been missing. EDUCATION and SUPPORT I'm telling you that without those two things in the internet marketing business you are going to struggle, make mistakes, and spend money until you are broke again. I actually was the senior network engineer for an ISP and thought I understood what it took to become successful on the internet. I spent 20 plus years in the industry, and didn't think anyone could teach me anything new or show me something I didn't already know. But, ya know something? I was wrong!! There is plenty of stuff about this internet marketing that I didn't know. But all that is changing, and I have already seen some really fantastic results due to network marketing education. I am learning things, and have opened my mind up to potentially new concepts, and techniques that really do get results. So don't despair my friends, there is an answer to your life long dreams of independence, and self fulfillment. Just gotta find the right educational tools to get where you want to be. If you want to know more, just follow the link provided, and maybe you too can find that dream.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Marketing Minute: Internet Marketing and Memorial Weekend.

Marketing Minute: Internet Marketing and Memorial Weekend.

Internet Marketing and Memorial Weekend.

You may be asking how in the world are the Internet and Memorial Day linked, or related? So I will briefly explain. The internet came about because of a need by the military to exchange information between it's Defense contractor at Colleges and University's across the nation in a more timely method. So they asked DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency to come up with something. So DARPA used the brilliant minds of Scientists in several companies to design a network by which information could be transferred securely, and efficiently. At first it was strictly military use, then it became a way of colleges to communicate to students, then students found ways to communicate with other students, and well the rest of it is history. As with all good things, people found ways to leverage this exchange of information into commercial application, and we now have electronic commerce (e-commerce) in almost every facet of our lives. As with any kind of commerce comes the need to advertise and market our goods, products, and services. So the explosion of Internet Marketers selling all forms of these goods, products and services has exploded to take advantage of the power of the internet.
So as you sit back this weekend reflecting on what Memorial Day means to most Americans, think also how the freedoms we enjoy were given to us by the soldier, sailor, airman, and military researchers who have protected and discovered great things. Have a great Memorial Day, and remember to shake the hand of a Vet, and thank him/her for their service.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Creativity vs. "Work"

Every morning I have the choice to either listen in on a phone conference with my fellow entrepreneur John Jackson or skip it. I choose to listen. I realized this morning that I have to have my cup of John Jackson to go along with my coffee to get my day started properly. John is a fantastic individual, and excellent motivational leader in the internet marketing community in which I chose to join into. This morning was no exception and what he brought us was a revelation.

When we talk about our trade, no matter what the business may be, we always speak of it in terms of working our business. In many ways the term " work " has negative connotations, because in our minds we think of the more mundane, and labor intensive parts to what we do. But as he pointed out, when we are doing something that we love to do, and even if it has the same amount of labor, or tasks, it is no longer work, it becomes a creative endeavor. His example was his wanting shutters on his home to make the home more appealing. If he had bought them they would have gone on the house without much thought. But he took the time to purchase the materials, and over the course of a year he created the same shutters he could have bought. He realized that it was a labor of love, creativity and pride in his skills, and never thought of it as " work". So today friends, instead of looking at what you do as "work" look at it as an outlet for your creativity. It will make a big difference in your mental attitude, as well as your performance.Be creative, and enjoy your day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Automated Marketing Systems Don't Work!!!

I see these spammy looking Automated Marketing System messages in Twitter, Facebook, via emails, yada, yada, yada.... They are everywhere. Who or what do you believe about these systems? The seller, the designer, the person who is trying to promote their particular product de jour? Internet marketing has a use and purpose for automated systems. But, if you are not savvy enough in your marketing skills to deploy these tools then you are whistling in the wind. An automated marketing system does not make you an Internet Marketer. If you do not understand how all aspects of Internet Marketing need to be coordinated, manipulated, and managed then you have wasted your money, and you will not get a solid ROI for your purchase. Promises of making big bucks using their automated systems usually are hollow. You have to educate your self on what is working today, what the direction of the internet will become, and know what works and what does not. Education is but one tool, automated systems are but one tool, the secret is how do you get educated enough to use the automated tools? Find someone in the business who will mentor you. Find someone that will show you step-by-step how to market on the Internet. Then once you know how, then engage the tools and leverage them to your advantage. Instead of making just the developers, and salesmen of the tools rich, make yourself rich then buy the tools to make it easier. Want to learn some of the secrets to marketing? Then follow this link for free training on Mondays 9 p.m. Eastern/8 p..m. Central.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mindset In Life and Marketing

In the movie and the book "The Secret" the core philosophy is that if you change your mental thinking from believing you can't, to believing that you can, you can have or do anything you want to in life. People have for decades now practiced visualization techniques to improve their lives. It is an interesting technique that golfers, long jump athletes, and many others who want to improve their performance practice. Golfers visualize the perfect swing, and repeat it to themselves visually over and over. The muscles then imprint this visual perfection, and when the golfer actually takes the swing, muscle memory takes over and it is just as he/she had visualized in their minds eye.

"The Secret" takes the idea of visualized thought to a different level. You manifest what you want by asking for a specific thing. It has to be clear, precise, and specific. Say for instance that you want a certain type of vehicle. Let's say a Mercedes Benz luxury car. You not only have to visualize a Mercedes, but the exact model, and any options that you want it to have. Down to color, style of wheels, engine size, and any other specific detail that is important about your desirable car. Now you have to see this car in your mind to the point that it becomes an obsession of your every thought and action, and you can see it in detail. This step is the asking for what you want.

Now you have to believe that you are going to actually get that vehicle. You may in your mind have doubts that you can get it, because of lacking money, lack of resources, you name the reason, and you simply have doubts about receiving that car. What you have to do is to begin speaking in a positive way, that you will be getting that car. Your thoughts need to have the negatives erased and replace with positive reinforcement of the fact that you are going to get it until it actually convince yourself that it is real and that you are going to get that vehicle. This step is the development of belief.

Next open your mind to accepting you will receive what your heart desires. You have to become in tune and intuitive to your surroundings, thoughts, and messages from the "Universe" that open you up to receiving this gift.

All of this sounds a little metaphysical, but even the Bible speaks of similar approach to receiving things. Material objects, wealth, health, whatever your heart desires. The Bible says to Ask, and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock, and will be opened unto you. This has taken on the idea of prosperity theology in some churches now days.

This all amounts to the same thing as mindset. If you "Think you can, you will." The human mind is capable of some really interesting things, and changing your mindset is all about a mental change of thinking. This applies to both what you think about your life, or how you approach your marketing campaigns. In marketing it is about helping your prospect change their perception of how and why your product can change their lives, via your message to their minds. They have to visualize the benefits, believe how it can help, and be open to accepting the products benefits.

Think about this for awhile. I think you will see, believe and accept that I am on to something here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Motivated Marketers Only Need Apply

Every morning I attend a conference call which serves to stir this community to action, and help us learn things about ourselves. We talk about action, taking action, and how through our actions to accomplish our goals, and achieve our dreams. I call it a community, because it is just that, a community of liked minded individuals who have different goals, but want to achieve those goals through a common interest of Internet Marketing. This community is made up of individuals from around the world. This morning I heard a person from Croatia, other mornings from Australia, China, and the list goes on from across the spectrum. We don't all speak the same language, but we definitely understand each others motivation. It is not just about money, it is about what we want to do to practice our trade, and to help others be as successful in the business as many of our members are. One of the driving motivational truths in this community is staying true to ourselves, and not compromising our values just for the sake of making money. Those values include family, truth, honesty, integrity, honor, and just plain doing what is right, even if it means losing a sale, or not making money from our efforts. Now to me that is powerful, that is the heart of what humanity really is all about. So today, if you you are wanting into internet marketing I can suggest many other groups to join or follow, but if you are one of those people like I just described above "Only motivated marketers need apply!" Thanks and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marketing and Sales Strategies

What worked in the past for marketing and sales strategies for your products whether it was a brick and mortar operation or an Internet business, may not work for you in today's environment. In real estate for instance buyers and sellers would look for you in the phone book, then come into your offices for a meeting. Today they go to the Internet, and do a search for local real estate offices. They then will search for any information about your business in the Better Business Bureau websites, or look for information related to a particular sales person whose name they ran across or were recommended to talk with.

What you need to understand is if they go to the Internet to do a generic search and you are not on the first page of the SERP (search engine results page)they will usually not go to the next page, never finding your business. The question then is how do you get to that first page? The answer is what your marketing and sales strategies should encompass. Content on your website for Web 2.0 properties, Blogs like this one, establishing yourself as the expert in your business, building a following that clicks on your site for information and knowledge on the subject or topic they are looking for. It takes more than just an add in a paper, handing out business cards or making phone calls.

Bottom line is this. Study the most successful marketers, see how they are doing it, and then emulate them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Started the morning with partly cloudy skies, and nice temps. But in less than 45 minutes the skies turned threatening. My wife had an appointment that we were heading to, when we were alerted to a "tornado warning" on a local station. The warning was and area north of us about 30 miles. My wife is somewhat of a worry wart so we turned around and went back home, rescheduled her appointment, and settled in until it passed. We actually wound up with nearly 5 inches of rain in less than an hour. Still overcast and gloomy now, but can't let that stop me from getting things accomplished. Had a really great training session presented by Alex Paraman, and guest speaker Zoe Daluca from Australia. These webinars are fantastic tools to share training across the globe with. Our internet marketing community is by far the best experience I have ever had in my life to learn things from the best of the best top producers in the world.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thought I would also add information about a website I have that is a free advice site on starting a home based business. The URL is easy to remember
Has lots of good general tips and information for someone really interested in your own home business. It is a simple easy to browse website with no frills, and best of all it is free advice. I have plans to change the look of it and add some more links and details, but help your self and enjoy.

Greeting Message

Good morning. Started off the day with a few distractions, but i got focused and accomplished a couple of major items on my to-do list. Couple of things that I want to share are my twitter link and my Facebook profile feel free to add me on either one.