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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Internet Marketing Secrets

So you want to become "one of them"? An Internet Marketer. Just mentioning the fact that you are an internet marketer will send people running for the hills in fear that you are going to try to sell them something. So how do you overcome that obstacle and become a successful internet marketer? It's all about the company, and what they teach. Let me give you the 10 best Internet marketing secrets.
1. Have to have a Marketing Plan. If you don't have a plan how will you measure your successes?
2. Develop Trust and Relationships. People don't buy unless you have a relationship built on the foundation of trust.
3. Value and Service. You have to have something that is valuable to offer to your target market. And once they see the value, you better be able to deliver world class service as value added to offer.
4. Brand. Brand yourself. Because in the end it is YouInc. that they are buying.
5. Automation and Technology. You must have tools to automate some of the more mundane, time consuming tasks, and the technology has to work first time every time.
6. Remove the Sales Trap. Most people are not salesmen. Closing the sale does not come easy for most of us. Solution, have a support staff of professionals that can do it for you. Part of your funnel.
7. Passive Income potential. Help others get what they want, and you will get what you want. Multiplied time after time it will keep returning your income.
8. Training and Education. The internet is constantly changing, marketing techniques change constantly. What worked today may not work tomorrow, so you constantly must be trained and educated as conditions change. Change is good.
9. Teamwork and Community. If you are in a company where the top leaders do not share their "secrets" and use teamwork to help you succeed, you are in the wrong company. It should be a strong group based on strength of the "Community." Lifting each other up, and sharing the success.
10. Real Results. This is the keystone. The anchor to the secret. No hype, no fabrication of claims, just honest to goodness real results. It must be open, honest and transparent at all levels of the community.

Find a company that supports all ten of these internet marketing secrets, and you can't help but be successful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James, I just saw your site, it's fantastic. wauw.
