My Dream Car

My Dream Car
This is what I Really want for Christmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are you an Internet Marketer??

There are lots of Internet Marketers out here, but are they truly marketers, or just wanna be's? You can get Internet Marketing secrets from thousands of so called Guru's if you just allow your email in-box to fill up with all sorts of Spam, or opt-out messages. Each Guru has his/her own secret they are willing to give you for a price, and you can wind up spending yourself into failure. Let me give you a synopsis of what they are all saying.

Do you really want to be an Internet Marketer? If so then just simply market your service, product, or whatever using proven, tried and true methods.

  1. Get the message out. Period, end of sentence. The more exposure you give your message the more people will see it, and the more business potential you have. 
  2. Make it compelling. Give your potential client a reason to purchase your goods. Buyers, buy what you have not because of you, they buy because of an emotional, internalized factor. So find a way in your message to trigger the WII-FM, "What's In It - For Me" emotions of your target audience.
  3. Be consistent in your efforts. Do what you need to do to move forward, and get the word out every single day to as many people/clients as possible.
  4. Be persistent. Resolve yourself to the fact you will not stop until you have achieved your goal. 
  5. I have a mantra, "Today I will be persistent in my path, and I will be consistent in finding those who want to learn how to duplicate my success." I suggest you find something to remind you daily of what you need to do to be successful in your business. In my business it is finding those who want learn how to build a business, and build a team structure through duplication of what others have done. 
  6. Find a mentor. Find someone who will, number one coach you, number two push you to new heights, and number three tell you when you are being dumb and not giving it your all. But, you have to be coachable, and willing to be mentored. 
  7. With your mentor, set a goal you can believe in. If you have a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) in the beginning, you may fail to achieve it, and set yourself up for repetitive failure. So start with small goals, things that are achievable, but stretch your abilities to go beyond what you think you can do. For example, if you believe you can contact 10 people a day to tell them about your products, why not go just beyond to 15. 10 may be easy, but 15 will make you have to stretch a little to reach that goal. Your mentor will be there to encourage, and push you to your success.
  8. You must schedule your day. There are ton's and ton's of books, tapes, CD's and time management Guru's out there also. But let me tell you a little secret...pssssst!!! There is no such thing as time management!! Everyone has 24 hours in their day, you can't change the laws of nature. But you can control what you do with the hours you use for your business. So sit down every morning, or every night and plan what you intend to do either that day or the next. Make a master schedule of events, meetings, or presentations you will attend. The objective is to know in advance how you will move your business forward each and every day. Every single task or meeting should be a money making event, or move you forward to making the money. But, having said that you need to add in time for your family, time for meals (a lot of folks forget this), time for personal growth and development, reading about new ideas, and recreation. You need to have time to have fun.
  9. The last tip is keep things simple. When you try to do everything it just won't work. Find what works best for you, and focus on just those things. Too many people try to do everything, webpages, blogging, social media, SEO, PPC, GoogleAdds, etc..... there is simply  not enough time to do it all. If you can afford it then outsource what you can't do, or don't know how to do. Focus on the shortest path forward.

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