My Dream Car

My Dream Car
This is what I Really want for Christmas

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mindset In Life and Marketing

In the movie and the book "The Secret" the core philosophy is that if you change your mental thinking from believing you can't, to believing that you can, you can have or do anything you want to in life. People have for decades now practiced visualization techniques to improve their lives. It is an interesting technique that golfers, long jump athletes, and many others who want to improve their performance practice. Golfers visualize the perfect swing, and repeat it to themselves visually over and over. The muscles then imprint this visual perfection, and when the golfer actually takes the swing, muscle memory takes over and it is just as he/she had visualized in their minds eye.

"The Secret" takes the idea of visualized thought to a different level. You manifest what you want by asking for a specific thing. It has to be clear, precise, and specific. Say for instance that you want a certain type of vehicle. Let's say a Mercedes Benz luxury car. You not only have to visualize a Mercedes, but the exact model, and any options that you want it to have. Down to color, style of wheels, engine size, and any other specific detail that is important about your desirable car. Now you have to see this car in your mind to the point that it becomes an obsession of your every thought and action, and you can see it in detail. This step is the asking for what you want.

Now you have to believe that you are going to actually get that vehicle. You may in your mind have doubts that you can get it, because of lacking money, lack of resources, you name the reason, and you simply have doubts about receiving that car. What you have to do is to begin speaking in a positive way, that you will be getting that car. Your thoughts need to have the negatives erased and replace with positive reinforcement of the fact that you are going to get it until it actually convince yourself that it is real and that you are going to get that vehicle. This step is the development of belief.

Next open your mind to accepting you will receive what your heart desires. You have to become in tune and intuitive to your surroundings, thoughts, and messages from the "Universe" that open you up to receiving this gift.

All of this sounds a little metaphysical, but even the Bible speaks of similar approach to receiving things. Material objects, wealth, health, whatever your heart desires. The Bible says to Ask, and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock, and will be opened unto you. This has taken on the idea of prosperity theology in some churches now days.

This all amounts to the same thing as mindset. If you "Think you can, you will." The human mind is capable of some really interesting things, and changing your mindset is all about a mental change of thinking. This applies to both what you think about your life, or how you approach your marketing campaigns. In marketing it is about helping your prospect change their perception of how and why your product can change their lives, via your message to their minds. They have to visualize the benefits, believe how it can help, and be open to accepting the products benefits.

Think about this for awhile. I think you will see, believe and accept that I am on to something here.

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